Facing brickslinea7 7036

Technical data sheets

Color description
The colour is grey-green through and through with a nuanced irregular grey-black surface texture.
Manufacturing dimensions (L x W x H)
ca. 247x75x38 mm (LxWxH)
Quantity / m² with a traditional joint
78 (12 mm)
Number / m² with a thin joint
90 (6 mm)

case studie linea7 7036

The Hand-Made linea 7036 as a canvas for distinctive bay windows

The Hand-Made linea 7036 as a canvas for distinctive bay windows

A contrasting interplay between rough contours and clean lines

The transformation of the Delft Railway Zone includes the creation of a new residential district: Nieuw Delft. One of the neighbourhoods in Nieuw Delft – Coendersbuurt – is characterised by its small scale, family-friendly living environment and typical Delft streets of terraced houses.

Oldenzaal Crematorium: vibrant brick volume radiates desired serenity

Oldenzaal Crematorium: vibrant brick volume radiates desired serenity

Ecological Nature7 Brick R and narrow linea 7036 join forces to create striking relief pattern

The new Oldenzaal Crematorium is situated in a beautiful location, near the cemetery, in a landscape characterised by wooded countryside and gentle hills. The small developed area – initially only earmarked for a cremation area – led to the sleek, compact design in which the ceremony room and the reception room are positioned above the cremation area.

Block 18 Nieuw Zuid, Antwerp: Linea 7036 and 7035 with flush brushed joints help to realise the solid appearance of this special building

Block 18 Nieuw Zuid, Antwerp: Linea 7036 and 7035 with flush brushed joints help to realise the solid appearance of this special building

Striking residential block at Nieuw Zuid in Antwerp gives a nod to Italian palazzi

Nieuw Zuid in Antwerp is a beautiful and contemporary form of urban development. The site of a former freight train station has been transformed, creating a more pleasant and liveable city.

Seven-story modern structure in facing brick linea 7035 and 7036 complementing historical craftsmanship

Seven-story modern structure in facing brick linea 7035 and 7036 complementing historical craftsmanship

Crucial role of facing brick serving aesthetic purpose and material harmony

The Villa Wiesental, a historic Gründerzeit villa built in 1878 by architect Daniel Oertli, stood as a testament to the craftsmanship and grandeur of its time. Commissioned by Konrad Menet Tanner, a wealthy textile merchant, the villa and its garden in St. Gallen, Switzerland, fell into disrepair after years of neglect. To ensure its preservation and reintegration into modern urban life, the owners proposed a thoughtful redevelopment plan. Central to this transformation was the construction of a seven-story modern structure adjacent to the villa, designed to complement its historical significance. At the heart of this architectural narrative was the selection and use of facing bricks, which not only served aesthetic purposes but also played a crucial role in the project's conceptual and material harmony.


Search by city

Reference list linea7 7036
Postal code City Street Bond Joint Joint colour Window Roofing Remarks
1391 DP Abcoude Lindewetering 26 Random bond 12 mm
9960 Assenede Leegstraat naast nr 47 Random bond 10 mm
5721 WB Asten Slotweg 3 Random bond with strike-through joint 8 mm
1861 GD Bergen NH Breelaan 103 Random bond Minimum joint
9120 Beveren Vogelkerslaan 55 Random bond 6 mm
5640 Biesme Rue de Noéchamps 53b Random bond 6 mm
1262 AB Blaricum Frederik van Eedenlaan 14 Random bond with strike-through joint 8 mm
2930 Brasschaat Bredabaan 429 Random bond 6 mm
9800 Deinze Bliekstraat 3 Random bond with strike-through joint 10 mm
2613 JT Delft Keizer Karelstraat 11 Random bond with strike-through joint 12 mm
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