Clay Paver Awards 2022 - 2023

These were the winners of our Clay Paver Awards 2022-2023

Clay Paver Awards 2022 - 2023

With the Vande Moortel Clay Paver Awards, which this year were dedicated to our 160th anniversary, we want to promote and support unique designs with clay pavers. Places that face challenges such as sustainability, accessibility, cost-efficiency and more.

It is therefore our conviction that high-quality made clay pavers belong in such environments. That is why we want to highlight the achievements with our pavers and reward their designers. Both large and small, public and private.



  • City gardens: For typical small-scale gardens in an urban environment. Minimum space with maximum comfort. Roof gardens can also be included. The projects must be permanent and privately owned.

  • Residential gardens: For medium and large residential projects. The projects must be permanent and privately owned.

  • Commercial & communal gardens: For public and semi-public projects near large residential housing projects, offices, shops, accommodation facilities or other commercial accommodation. The projects must be shared or commercially owned.

  • Public Spaces: For all landscape architecture projects in public space such as public squares, parks and other publicly accessible domains. The projects may not be private property.




